Terms of Service

1. Access and Use

1.1. Access and Use. Subject to payment of all applicable fees and the terms and conditions of this Agreement, ACEPAL grants you, the customer, a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and use the platform and related documentation solely for your internal business purposes in accordance with the documentation and the quantity specified in your order. ACEPAL may update the platform from time-to-time at its sole discretion.

1.2. Access and Use Restrictions. You shall not (directly or indirectly): (a) copy or reproduce the platform or documentation except as permitted; (b) exceed the subscribed quantities, users or other entitlement measures; (c) remove or destroy any copyright, trademark or other proprietary markings; (d) assign, sell, resell, sublicense, rent, lease, time-share, or otherwise transfer rights to the platform; (e) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the platform; or (f) use the platform in a manner that violates applicable laws or regulations.

2. Customer Data

2.1. Ownership. You retain ownership of all data and content you upload to the platform ("Customer Data"). ACEPAL does not claim any ownership over your Customer Data.

2.2. Use of Customer Data. ACEPAL will use the Customer Data solely to provide the platform and related services to you. ACEPAL will not access, use, or disclose the Customer Data except as necessary to provide the services, comply with legal requirements, or prevent or address service or technical problems.

3. Intellectual Property

3.1. ACEPAL Intellectual Property. The platform, its structure, organization, source code, and all ACEPAL intellectual property rights are the sole and exclusive property of ACEPAL or its licensors.

3.2. Suggestions. If you provide any suggestions, ideas, or feedback about the platform, ACEPAL may use such information without restriction.

4. Term and Termination

4.1. Term. This Agreement begins on the date you first access the platform and continues for the subscription term specified in your order, unless terminated earlier.

4.2. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement for material breach that is not cured within 30 days of written notice. ACEPAL may also suspend or terminate your access to the platform if you violate the terms of this Agreement.

5. Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability

5.1. Disclaimers. ACEPAL provides the platform "as is" without any warranties. ACEPAL disclaims all implied warranties, including merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.

5.2. Limitation of Liability. ACEPAL's total liability for any claims related to this Agreement will not exceed the fees paid by you in the 12 months preceding the claim. Neither party will be liable for indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages.

6. General Provisions

6.1. Governing Law. This Agreement is governed by the laws of Singapore without regard to its conflict of laws principles.

6.2. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Terms of Service, please contact us at Contact Us page.